Six Pints None The Richer

Another Mystery Six: Baja Blasts from the Past!

Six Pints None the Richer

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Welcome to another episode of Six Pints None the Richer, where your hosts Jon and Dan dive into an eclectic array of beverages ranging from innovative coffee concoctions to the latest in craft beer. Here's what's on tap for this episode:

  • Cinnamon Toast Crunch Iced Coffee: Jon starts us off with a quirky take on iced coffee inspired by the popular breakfast cereal.
  • Beer Tasting:
    • Perennial ESB: A classic Extra Special Bitter that reminds the hosts of old favorites and the subtleties that make a great ESB.
    • Mountain Dew Baja Point Break Punch: A tropical twist on the classic soda, discussed with a mix of nostalgia and critique.
    • Rogue Mom Beer Wheat IPA: A beer dedicated to moms, infused with rose hips, and an exploration of how ingredients like rose hips can alter the flavor profile of IPAs.
    • Trippin Animals and The Answer Collaboration: A sour ale that explores the integration of multiple fruit flavors.
    • Windmill Mutton Chops and Rice Pudding Porter: An adventurous porter that experiments with vanilla, cinnamon, and almond flavors, sparking a discussion on potential improvements.

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Jon K.
Dan S.

Creative Director, album artist, and Branding:
Kath K. of Keur Design Studio

Podcast Production:
Wayfare Recording Co.

© 2024 Wayfare Recording Co. LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Jon: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome back to another episode of Six Pints, None the Richer. This is Jon and Dan and you are listening to episode 86. I started to fumble all my words, so I had to enunciate that last part. Uh, yeah, 86, another, um, mystery six pack I chose this last week. Um, or I chose for this episode words.

It's allergy season. My brain doesn't work right now. Um, uh, 

Dan: Benadryl 

Jon: actually. Thank you. I'm glad John will fall 

Dan: asleep mid show. 

Jon: Not, no, no, no, no. Right before I go to bed. Fun dreams. But before we get into the episode, the formal episode, I would like to share a top of the show beverage. Dan already knows what it is cause I texted him a photo of it and I lulled in the middle of a [00:01:00] Rosales.

Uh, it is cinnamon toast, crunch iced coffee. I don't know if I should get like different cups for this or what? 

Dan: We got rinse stuff. It'll be fine. 

Jon: We got stuff to rinse. 

Dan: I've got a top of the show too. That. Okay, cool. That'll clean this out as well. 

Jon: Yeah. Probably should have stirred it up a little bit, but yeah, I just saw it and I thought it was kind of a fun idea.

Dan: Right. Made with Victor Allen's coffee. 

Jon: But not much else to say about it. Literally just thought I'm like, what in the world am I going to experience? Sugar, cinnamon. I don't know. Toast. Yeah. Crunch. Crust. 

Dan: Yeah. I definitely, I saw a, uh. 

Jon: This smells like sugar. Yeah. Just straight up sugar. Oh yeah. 

Dan: It, it is. And chemicals.

It tastes like it too. Yeah. I saw on Instagram last week, well, it was said to me by a friend with poor taste, uh, but it was [00:02:00] someone, one of these Instagram. Quote unquote bartenders who just make stupid stuff and it was like I'm gonna make cinnamon toast old fashioned or whatever. Oh, yeah Have you seen this one?

No, but I've seen influencers 

Jon: doing stuff like that all the time. 

Dan: Were they just like poor cinnamon toast crunch in A mason jar and then pour bourbon in it and let it sit for a day and then come back to it and then Poorly strain it mind you and just like so now you just have cloudy bourbon Yeah with a bunch of sugar in it and then they put that over their very fancy ice cube And then so then it's like oh cool and then like I think they use bitters maybe and then just like garnish by garnish I mean threw a handful of cinnamon to his crunch in the top or whatever.

I'm like that looks terrible also, there are smarter ways to do this is I've only just learned about like the fat washing of things like recently, like, you know, elaborate what 

Jon: that is. Again, 

Dan: it's, I'm going to talk about it and know nothing about it. I was going to say, I feel like 

Jon: you're talking to someone who doesn't.[00:03:00] 

No, as I 

Dan: understand, I feel like it's a new thing or, you know, newly popularized thing, uh, where, what you can do is like, take your tequila, vodka, whatever, like I've heard of like bacon washing and things like that, where you haven't used. Whatever the ingredient and I would assume with bacon and things it's cooked But you like sit it in like where you do kind of rest it in this thing for a while But then then you strain it, but then you also strain it like multiple times and I think through like a coffee filter Oh clarifying.

Yeah. Oh, I mean, so it's clarified but also like fat washing I think is when you Do it like through this other, like a means. Yes, exactly. Gotcha. So you're getting the imbuing these other flavors, but it still looks really great because like, you're still using the filters, like clarifying, correct. For sure.

But then you're also using these filters and whatnot to get that. So that's, I'm like, the person should at least go on the extra step to like, make it look clear because like you can do it and it still looks like the same thing or not clear, but just necessarily. See through bourbon because it was just [00:04:00] became like opaque amber liquid.

Yeah, it's just like, okay, that just looks gross to me Like I'm sure it tastes. Okay, if you're you know if you have the palate of a four year old who just loves sweet things like I mean, I love sweet things, but just like the idea of like I'm gonna put bourbon and a Snickers, you know bar into This jar to shake it up and then I'll drink that like no, that tastes good.

Jon: Yeah. Well, I'm sure I bet that would taste You Appealing for your senses, right? Like, does it taste good? Right. No, but do you want more like this drink? Yes. Like I tasted it. It tastes like a, like juiced up with sugar, uh, Dunkin Donuts. Frappe, but like, it tastes like a Frappuccino, like a bottle Frappuccino.

Uh, but because it's so sugary, I'm like, yeah, I kind of want more. Yeah. I mean, [00:05:00] that doesn't mean it's good. 

Dan: My body's addicted to sugar and it tastes good. So it's like, yeah, like this, I mean, this is something that if I was purchasing it in the, in the means of needing like a coffee in the same way that I've done with like, Canada, Starbucks, whatever at the gas station or can a monster Java or whatever.

I was like, this is just a means to an end. Yes. Totally. 

Jon: Yes. I just need to stay awake for the rest of the six hour road trip. 

Dan: Yeah. And I, I mean, in, in, in those situations, 12 

Jon: hours already. 

Dan: Right. Exactly. And in that situation, obviously like the coffee tastes better to me than an energy drink. Totally. So I'm just like, sure, I'll take that.

Whatever. Yeah. All right. So I have brought in, um, It's gonna be Gently familiar. This is the next one in the series that I was talking about last week in the last week. We had, so 

Jon: I like that you said gently familiar, gently 

Dan: familiar. We have the 20th anniversary of Baja as 

Jon: I lay my head on the pillow. Yes.

Dan: I drink mounds and mounds of. Baja [00:06:00] blast variants. Uh, this is the Mountain Dew Baja point break punch. So it is a tropical punch Baja blast. Oh, so we're going to be comparing this with 

Jon: this is the one that you already had before, right? Yes. I had this one talked about it. I remember it sounds familiar.

Yeah. Um, 

Dan: just said it was fine. And I was like, I'm just going to bring it. Yeah, totally. I. Caitlin bought 12 packs of each of these, just cause I said I wanted to try them. What's the other one? That lemonade one. 

Jon: Oh, so there's only two. Yeah. 

Dan: I think so far, that's all I know, 

Jon: but 

Dan: yeah, that was like, I'm bringing this on the show because it's going to take me forever to go through these kids up.

Like I still stand by what I said last week where I feel like this one has a little more Baja blast flavor to it. 

Jon: That's the first thing that stuck to me. It's like, it has that essence, the Ness of it. Like what is Baja blast? Like it's a very specific. What is? What is the secret of [00:07:00] Baja Blast? People, the people have spoken.

Uh, no, it's the, what is the secret of Soiling Green? Well, yeah, 

Dan: I was thinking of the book, the secret though. And this is just open up the first page and it's the Baja Blast. 

Jon: Oh, like chapter one with the little image at the top. Yeah. I can't have Baja Blast. That's it. Um, but whatever that flavor is, like, This one, it's not being masked by like mango or anything.

Yeah. That's what I enjoy. It's good. 

Dan: It says fruit punch though. And I kind of just tastes like Baja blast. Like maybe there's some fruitier hints to it. And maybe I just haven't, if I had them back and forth right next to each other, I haven't had Baja blast in a long time, but 

Jon: yeah, I haven't either. It's kind of one of those things where it's like when you're in high school, Crunchwrap Supreme, Baja blast.

Dan: Right. Oh 

Jon: yeah. 

Dan: Yeah. Maybe I'll start getting, or Chalupa, right? Yeah. Uh, cheesy Gordita crunch was kind of my, that was my high end item. When I 

Jon: went there, mine was the, uh, [00:08:00] back when it was a thing, the volcano menu. 

Dan: Oh yeah. 

Jon: Which they kind of did that recently, but it wasn't the same, but I love it's not, it really wasn't.

I was obsessed with the burrito or the volcano box, which came with the burrito taco. Something else 

Dan: is that the black taco 

Jon: that was the blackjack talk. Oh, okay. I was a fan of that one, too That's 

Dan: right. These are things that like they haven't existed since I've started being into spicy things So like as in high school, I was just like, you know, I didn't hate something with a little heat to it But I was never seeking it out now if I saw something spicy on the menu I'll be like, yeah Like there wasn't there that like snake bite menu or whatever was like ghost pepper stuff for a bit at Taco Bell and I think I remember trying those and like 

Jon: I don't remember that something 

Dan: Rattlesnake.

I don't know. 

Jon: Yeah. I don't remember that, but yeah, blackjack taco. That was the black shell. It was basically just like their standard taco, but they would use the Chalupa sauce, Baja sauce maybe, or whatever. Yeah. [00:09:00] Like on top. Right. And that was it. Sounds 

Dan: fine. It was good. Yeah. Cause the sauce is good. I like that sauce.

Yeah. I mean, that's the, that's the sauce and the cheesy gruyere crunch too, that I'm like, yeah. Yeah, that's what makes it, you're just like, yeah, this is why I get this probably just ranch. You can buy Baja sauce at, I bought it at Martin's. I have it at home now and I put it on, uh, tacos and things. Yeah.

It's very, you know, I'm still going to get it when I go to Taco Bell, but it's nice to have it around the house. Like Chick 

Jon: fil A sauce. It's like, well, if you're into Chick fil A, whoever that is out there, if you're into Chick fil A, if you're into bacon chickens, I like my chicken with black meat. Thank you.

Dan: With, with what black meat, black meat, dark meat. It's like those, uh, those like black roosters in, uh, that you see in like China or Japan or whatever online. 

Jon: That's not where I thought you were going to go for some reason. Oh 

Dan: no. They may, there are, I've seen these, like, they're like death metal roosters, but they're just like all black and their skin and like their meat, all of it.

That is the chicken I was referring to. [00:10:00] Okay. Okay. Yes. I like Chinese chickens. Yes. Yeah. Uh, bare naked ladies wrote something about that. 

Jon: Did they really? 

Dan: I mean, there's probably chickadee China, the Chinese chicken. That's where I was going with it. 

Jon: Okay. I got you. 

Dan: You know, they're doing the important stuff.

Jon: Do you want to start? Let's go. Let's do it. All right. So first beverage of the main episode, the six is I can't talk today. I'm so sorry. The 

Dan: main episode, the six. 

Jon: I will start now. Uh, ESB by perennial. Ooh. Uh, I was really looking forward to this one when I got it off the shelf. In fact, there's, they're currently having it on tap at hop station and I didn't want to have it then because I, because we were going to do it from the south side, um, English style, AL, uh, one pint, Noda 5.

3. Well, it's good that I clarified it could have been a 12 ounce game. Um, yeah, nothing else. Just ESB. [00:11:00] Just 

Dan: a nice ESB. Yeah. Okay. Yes. I have had this one before. I got it when we first got it in stock, just because I love the style and I want to drink more of it and I want to support the purchasing of any company making them 

Jon: kind 

Dan: of along saving that like bitter, I mean, it is not bitter realm, like the highest level of whatever that is, whatever British people call bitter beer.

Jon: I'm trying to remember when we were doing the Bracket challenge that bitter beer that I chose Trying to remember what that was like and trying to compare it to this. Oh, 

Dan: yeah. Yeah, pretty similar 

Jon: I would say it's pretty similar. 

Dan: I think this one I like a little better. Maybe 

Jon: it smells like it has a Has more body to it the smell of it.

I haven't slipped it yet, but [00:12:00] 

Dan: Yeah, it definitely To me, it comes across as a little more like breadiness, like Cinnamon toast crunch. Yeah. Coffee Mountain Dew, all these flavor notes in my 

Jon: glass. In my tulip glass. Right. Yeah, I really do like it. It's got, um, I'd probably say, yeah, a little bit more. Body to it, but like in the realm of the style of beer, it's, that doesn't mean it's like a thick pour.

It was just like more, um, I don't know. I don't know how to describe it. It's not as like easy drinking as the other one, I guess. Not in a bad way. 

Dan: No, it definitely has a more, little more bitterness, obviously extra special bitter. Um, so it has, so it's, it's upping that feel like it's got a little bit of like.

Like a rye bread or pumpernickel, like spiciness to it. Yeah. Like it's got a little more like texture [00:13:00] that sits there on your tongue for a bit. Yeah. It's kind of nice. Like, I mean, I like it. Yeah. It's not as like hardcore crushable as the others, but also like, I like complex flavors more than easy flavors, I guess.

Jon: Yeah. Is that, uh, whatever that was that I picked for the bracket? 

Dan: Coniston, Bluebird, 

Jon: Bitter. Bluebird, I was going to guess Bluebird. That's not a ESB, right? That's just, that's just a Bitter. Pretty sure that's 

Dan: just a Bitter. Okay. 

Jon: Yeah. 

Dan: Yeah. Because it's like, I think the range goes like mild, mild Ale, Bitter, ESB.

Oh, ESB is like the most. Yeah. Okay. Unless there's like an extra extra special bitter that I don't know about 

Jon: super bitter beer. 

Dan: Yeah 

Jon: like the

Butter battle, dr. Seuss Do you like your I don't 

Dan: know 

Jon: that you don't know it. No, it's based. Isn't it a Not that you would know thinking out loud. It's a Kind of like Dr. Seuss [00:14:00] writing about like the Cold War or whatever. Do you like your bread buttered down or up? Oh. It's all about choosing sides or whatever.

You know, Dr. Seuss, great guy. Yeah. Love him. 

Dan: He's the best. I mean, he Lovely, 

Jon: lovely man. 

Dan: If he wants to write about war, sure. That's fine. Talking about like, like that's your choice. Like if you, if you choose the right side, it's, you know. Yeah. What side of the wall do you want 

Jon: to be 

Dan: on? Butter on the top or butter on the bottom being, you know, Bad.

You don't want floor butter. Like citing with the Nazis is like siding with butter on the floor. 

Jon: Totally. 

Dan: Maybe that's what he was going for. 

Jon: I don't know. I'm, I'm kind of ripping off this off of my head right now, but with a not been a drill yet, not yet. So clarity is not there yet, but yeah, this is good.

I enjoy it. Um, five point. 7 percent I believe is what I read. Pretty good. I don't think I could tell. Well, maybe a little bit. 5. 3 [00:15:00] percent ADV. 5. 3. 

Both: God. Oh, 

Dan: sorry. Not getting drunk as you hoped. 

Jon: Yeah, that's my goal. That's what, that's my goal when I'm on here. Oh yeah. Just yeah. The morning, the morning after Tuesday morning, because we were in court on Mondays, right?

Dan: feel great. So good. Yeah. I love USBs. I like perennial. They make good stuff. Yeah. Sometimes they get a little funk for me. Uh, but I think they do things well and classically well, and it's a good beer. I recommend everyone drinking it. It's, uh, it's an eight. I think I'd put an eight on it. 

Jon: Ooh. Yes. We haven't rated beer in a minute.

Yeah, I would probably say, Hmm. It's a good number. It's one more than seven, 

Dan: right? I heard some people talking about how seven is like The fake rating where it's like you don't want to say you don't like it But also you're not [00:16:00] like willing to say it's like good or bad And I was just like I say seven to like a lot of things So I need to start either saying eight or six or going up or down So i'm gonna say this is a nine because I really like this i'm just gonna say It's not perfect because I don't know what I mean You I don't know what perfect is, so I don't know, but it's not like transcending me.

I think I've talked about how like 10 is kind of like a transcendent beer for me, but I think this is a nine where I think this is very good. I haven't had a ton of this style, like many, many, I've had fullers a long time ago. I've had a few other ESBs in the past and this is up there with flavors that I enjoy.

Jon: Yeah, I don't know. I, I was actually going to say seven earlier, but I was going to actually give some good reasons behind it. In the sense of like, in the sense of, well, I'll start with this and maybe, maybe I'll talk myself into saying eight or six, even though it's not a six. I don't think it's a six in my head.

It's like, I think it's really, really good. I don't get like. Just like blown out of the water [00:17:00] with the, just like beer, you know? Um, although whatever beer that was that won the bracket, that was pretty, that was pretty, that was 

Dan: great. 

Jon: Augustiner, 

Dan: Edelstaff, Dortmunder. Yeah. 

Jon: Um, but like, I would enjoy getting it again.

I would really enjoy getting it again. If I go to hop station soon, I would get it then. But. I don't know. I don't think it's like one note necessarily, but I think it's like, it's really good at what it wants to do, which is being a beer, 

Dan: right? 

Jon: And ESB. Yeah. It's simple, 

Dan: not simplistic. Like it's 

Jon: right. It's good.

So it's like, you know, I don't 10, I would agree with that. I don't, I think nine is a little too high for me. Um, I'm talking myself into an eight. I'll say eight . Okay. There you go. We did it. All right. You did it. It's an eight for John. Goal accomplished. All right, so [00:18:00] next up, uh, Pipeworks pondering pale ale, dry hopped with cryo mosaic, cryo simco, cryo Amarillo, and berio, and AKA hops, uh, not, 

Dan: not cryo, aka.

Jon: No, I don't cryogenically frozen. Is that what that's short for? 

Dan: Yeah. It's there's something in the process of doing the hops where they like, yeah, they like freeze it and it like intensifies the lupulins or something like that. Like it's, it basically kind of like, I believe like it's like a hop concentrate powder, kind of like cryo hops.

Oh, we can look it up 

Jon: like it's space hops. 

Dan: Yeah, exactly. 

Jon: Uh, pine can 4%. 4%. Yes. Wow. I did this one after, because I thought the pale ale and all [00:19:00] the big words is what went through my head. I'm like, this feels like it's going to be a little bit more flavorfully intense. 

Dan: Yeah. Oh, I totally agree. Hoppy before, you know, hoppy after.

Jon: Malty all 

Dan: day. 

Jon: Yeah. So it's a little bit less than ABV. Usually my like quick shorthand rule is, you know, the higher the ABV, the later down the line it'll go on the show. But this one, I'm like, this is a flavor scenario in my head. So, yeah. 

Dan: I'm looking up cryo hops right now. Sweet. 

Jon: While you do that, I will.

Smell through all my senses taste. Enjoy. 

Dan: Uh, this is from the Yakima chief hops. Yes. So that's, that's what I always find to be like pretty, I don't know, more bitter for sure. Like I, Caitlin brought one of these home from hop station and I had it and. 

Jon: Oh, cool. So yeah, I've had it [00:20:00] before. Yeah. 

Dan: I'll see like this one smells great.

Tastes great. But I just, I remember being like, wow, that's more bitter than I was expecting that to be. Got a very like green kind of flavor to it. 

Jon: Pretty earthy. I thought. 

Dan: Yeah, definitely. All right. What are cryo hops? Which is a trademarked thing. So concentrated lupulin for intense hop flavor and aroma derived from the Greek word, creos, shut the meaning frost cryo hops are an industry leading cryogenic hot processing technology used to separate whole cones into two components.

Concentrated lupulin and 

Jon: barracked. Did I ask for the etymology? 

Dan: Yeah, exactly. 

Jon: Sir, this is a Wendy's. 

Dan: The Webster's Dictionary defines, like, shut up. Each component of the hop is preserved using low temperatures in the nitrogen rich environment during the entire process from separation to pelleting, pelletizing, pelletizing.

Uh, cryo hops pellets are the concentrated [00:21:00] lupulin of whole leaf hops, concentrated resins, and aromatic oils. It is designed to prove blah, blah, blah, blah, chief advantages, nearly twice the resin content of traditional T90 hot pellets. I would assume that's just regular hot pellets, uh, intense contribution of hop flavor and aroma, reduced grassy and vegetal characteristics, increased yield through reduced brew house, cellar and trube.

That makes a lot of sense. Uh, cost savings and net increases in revenue per batch. Okay. So, I mean, those, yeah, that makes sense. So I guess to break it down, concentrated more concentrated hop powder slash and you use less. 

Jon: You get more flavor with less stuff being used. 

Dan: I mean, that makes sense. If you're, if you're doing just 

Jon: making concentrate hops is what I'm hearing.

Yeah. Effective. That's what it 

Dan: seems like effectively. And if you're using like, um, big, like if you have huge content, you know, a hundred barrel systems or whatever, like there's not an insignificant amount of beer that comes out that you're like, I can't use this because unless you have [00:22:00] maybe like a, um, you know, Centrifuge or something like that.

Mm-Hmm. to like clean it up or whatever. Like there's gonna be a good chunk of beer that you can't really, you know, that you have to dump because it's just muck like at the bottom. So if you use less hops, you can have less muck, so therefore more sellable beer. 

Jon: Oh. So if you, it's also a like, um, barrel, you get more volume out of all that.

Dan: Yeah. 

Jon: When you're brewing 

Dan: using less hops equals more. Sellable beer. 

Jon: Yeah. But less 

Dan: actual hop material. 

Jon: Yes. You don't get all that like crud at the bottom. All that pulp. 

Dan: Exactly. 

Jon: Nobody likes pulp. Come on, Tropicana. Trube. 

Dan: Trube is, is the industry term for Oh, excuse 

Jon: me. 

Dan: No, you're fine. I'm just, I'm, I'm Yeah, you're I'm expanding on this.

Learn. Yes. Yeah. Get it. Like it is, I've 

Jon: Trube. Is that what you T R 

Dan: U B, yeah. Trube. I've, uh [00:23:00] Cleaned some tanks in my day and Cleaned out a lot of shroobs. Scooped a lot of that junk. Yeah, scooped a lot of shroob. Oh, yeah, shroob, fruit Any and all of it. Yeah, the fruit sounds gross to me. Mixtures of raspberries and hops that have just settled to the bottom of a Tank that are just like yeah, the kind of stuff that you're like, I can't go down a drain That's that's probably not legal to take down a drain.

Ooh Interesting, and it wasn't sent down a drain. It was sent into barrels that were then fed to pigs and whatnot. So there's that Oh, that's actually 

Jon: cool. Okay 

Dan: At least the grains were, I don't know about the hops. I forget if that stuff was, or if that was just taken away to some industrial site, but who knows?

Totally. That's the good stuff right there. 

Jon: True. Okay. 

Dan: That's a new 

Jon: word. Yeah. Yeah. Not pulp. 

Dan: Nope. I mean, it is. Yeah. 

Jon: Yeah. Inherently the same, but yeah, it's just like floaty stuff in liquid. 

Dan: When you're talking about pre fermented beer, you're like, that's wort or whatever. It's not like, [00:24:00] whatever. Industry terminology.

Jargon, if you will. 

Jon: I'd be very curious about like, ironically, uh, the etymology of all these words. Like, where does true come from? Like, that totally sounds like a historical Like word from way back in the day that we still use. 

Dan: It's probably something like Latvia and grandma used to use it for like, saying like, take a dump or something.

And then like, someone was like, yeah, you know, like I got to clean all that. Got to clean all that true about it. They're like, what? Yeah, I guess it looks like that. Like 

Jon: where Jen's ear say now going to, going to go make a Brown. Yeah. Yeah. Start out with true. Where I started, where I, where we are at now.


Dan: That's what he's made coffee back in my day. Give me a cup of hot Brown 

Jon: bean juice. 

Dan: It's nice though. Good beer. Maybe not. 

Jon: This is a slow drinker. It's like a 

Dan: six for me, probably 

Jon: for 4 percent too. 

Dan: Yeah. 

Jon: Yeah. That's weird. 

Dan: It's like. [00:25:00] 

Jon: I'd agree with the six. 

Dan: The bitterness is there, which isn't bad, but like the other flavors kind of fall flat.

Like, like you said, it is 4%, so I guess it's easier to drink, but it does come across a little 

Jon: watery. Yeah, I guess I didn't think about the watery part. I was thinking more about how it's like I'm so used to like this level of bitterness with like 7% right, or 8%, which is like, I'm not looking for like that.

After effect of drinkings, like, you know, really bitter stuff. Like, I dunno, it's just like, wow, this is a lot of work for not a lot of, I don't know, it doesn't feel like there's a payoff. I don't know what the word is for it. Yeah, 

Dan: totally. Like, I think, I think the bitterness does a good job of distracting you from the wateriness.

But if I was to like, think of like when it hits my palate at the beginning, I'm like, there's not a lot there. Like it's, 

Jon: it's 

Dan: light. Like there's like. La Croix [00:26:00] melon NIST to it. And there's like a couple other flavors in there, but 

Jon: yeah, I could see that. Take a sip now. Yeah. It's, uh, it almost tastes like I'm drinking like a water with electrolyte powder in it or something, right?

Dan: Yeah, 

Jon: that's a good point. 

Dan: But overall, I mean, it's pipe works. I like pipe works. They're just doing their thing. Uh, I like 

Jon: conceptually like the idea of this beer. I just wish it was, there was more of it, more to it, I guess. 

Dan: Yeah, yeah, exactly. I think it, this, this could have as, as a 6 percent slightly maltier beer.

I think this could be right up there. Really? 

Jon: Yeah. All right. Next up rogue mom beer. Wheat IPA with rose hips one pint. Have you tried this yet? I haven't 

Dan: I'm glad you chose it because we just came in last week and I it sounded good I like wheat IPAs. I like white IPAs a lot. So I'm interested in trying it.[00:27:00] 

I don't know where the rose hips will go 

Jon: Straight to my head Pine can 6. 3 percent 15 IBU 8 SRM. That's a first I've read on the can on the show. I think 

Dan: SRM is, uh, it refers to the color of the beer. Oh, cool. It is like the, so eight is lighter for sure. Okay. Uh, 40 is like your higher point. Like that's like a big stout is like 40 SRM, like four or five, like four or five is kind of like in the, uh, like lighter pale straw realm, I believe.

Jon: Okay. 

Dan: Uh, yeah, 

Jon: this does look like a IPA. 

Dan: It does. It's got some good IPA color to it. Kind of like two hearted y, kind of orange y, amber y. 

Jon: So real quick, there's a lot of word on it. So I'm going to read some of those words. 

Dan: Many word, 

Jon: uh, dare, risk, dream. This beer is dedicated to rogue [00:28:00] moms. The original rebels who dared us to dream always supported us, forgave our questionable tattoos.

My mom didn't want me to have to your 

Dan: mom wouldn't forgive. 

Jon: That is why I do not have a tattoo on my body. Why do you want to do that to yourself? 

Both: Because I do, Mom. Shut up. It's my life, Mom. 

Jon: Uh, it's not a phase. And maybe rocked a few of their own. Definitely not, definitely not Beth. Uh, look closely, and you might even spot a rogue mom, you know.

This Sweet IPA is made with I'm so tired. Oregon. I almost said oregano rose hips. Uh, and it's full of character. It's bold, adventurous, and a little wild, just like the fearless woman it's dedicated to. Here's to mom, a true rogue. And it's really cool. It has like a little bit of a star chart, like kind of saying what the flavor profile is low and bitter malt, sweet citrus, and high end guava, which I think is kind of an interesting fifth point.[00:29:00] 

Um, Yeah, this looks cool. I. The design is what caught my eye, frankly. So, and I'm glad you were excited to try it, too. Yeah, 

Dan: it does, I mean, the, the can art for sure is like classic tattoo esque as well. Kind of like Sailor Jerry tattoo style. Like what you would 

Jon: see with someone saying mom, like M U M. Right, exactly.

Sometimes, some biker's shoulder. Right, exactly. With like some rose behind it. Now 

Dan: I just think you need to buy one of those like High end temporary tattoos or whatever and just like Oh ink box, maybe. Yeah. Sure ones that you see 

Both: Oh, 

Jon: really? Yeah. Well You 

Dan: just need to get one of those and just just put it on your body very visibly I would think face, but maybe that's too much but just like, you know, next time you're about to go home I think my 

Jon: mom would know like she knows my kind of humor because I would do that Would be funny to me, but 

Dan: it needs to be like a custom one that So I said, then you have to make it subtle to make it realistic.

So it has to [00:30:00] also be something that's more personal to you. So you need to get, like, if you can custom order them, like get like an Amberlynn, just like the, like the finger insignia thing, the Amberlynn tattoo that a person would 

Jon: get. It's called the good faith or whatever. Yeah. Like the fingers crossed.

Yeah. Yeah. You 

Dan: need to get that and get it on your like inner forearm. Very, very, uh, church goer place for, uh, A cross 

Jon: or 

Dan: something. 

Jon: My, uh, my, the idea that I've had for a while. So I've thought about doing that to see if I actually like the idea of getting a tattoo. Cause I do want one. Like my idea of getting a tattoo is getting like band logos.

And I've actually told this to my mom before and she was like, You see, that actually sounds really cool, but like, what happens if something comes out about the band? And I'm like, well, that's fair. That's kind 

Dan: of, yeah, that's, that's one of my, like, that is worries. Totally 

Jon: fair. Like, that's the danger of liking bands from my preferred listening era.

I mean, cause a lot of body 

Dan: nowadays, like, 

Jon: [00:31:00] um, I feel like that all that's been said though about like one of the bands I like to follow has already been said and everyone's like accepted it now it's kind of more of just like, are you still on the train or not? I 

Dan: mean, I definitely regret my, like, Weinstein Company tattoo I have on my entire back, so.

Just huge into, like, Miramax movies. The weird, 

Jon: awkward spotlight going up and down, creating the W or whatever. Oh, yeah, exactly. Yeah, oh my gosh. Um. Yeah, actually, 

Dan: my, it's lenticular, and when I, like, flex my lats, it, like, They move, so it's pretty cool. I got a shimmer effect. Yeah. If 

Jon: you flex it, correct. It turns into jail bars.

Yes. Yeah. Um, but what I was thinking was doing like bands, uh, symbols or whatever, like, just kind of like around like the upper forearm, kind of like what you were alluding to, but. Jokingly, but for real, just like a line of different logos, because it's like, you don't have to think too much into that and I don't have to think about like, Oh, what if it turns into a sleeve?

It's like, they're just symbols, [00:32:00] like whatever. Um, so I've thought about that. They'd be really small. So that'd be really affordable if I did custom fake ones. 

Dan: Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And if I did a real one. Yeah. Right. Just do it. Just do it. And then like, they're not that expensive anymore to get taken off either.

I've got a friend who like has one and she's like getting it taken off right now. It's just like, she still has other tattoos, but there's just one, she's like, I don't know why I didn't, didn't delve into why she's getting it removed or whatever, but it was just like, it's not, you know, it's not an impossible thing anymore.

Like they do it with lasers now. It's not like the old school style where they like go in with like, Deeper with like clear ink and like push the other ink out or whatever. Oh, 

Jon: I didn't know about that Yeah, I was knew about the laser thing where they just like zap it. 

Dan: Yeah, that's like the newer style the old style Yeah, I was like you had to be like it was a process to get it removed 

Jon: I remember seeing one that was being like removed from someone's arm on Instagram and it was like a giant, like huge symbol of, um, [00:33:00] like really big circle with like a lot of intricate details inside the circle, like a lot of ink and they were getting it zapped off.

And then when they like kind of stopped and showed what it looks like, cause it was just like one after another, after another for like a good 30 seconds, 60 seconds, I looked at the image of it. I was like thinking. Like that almost looks worse. Like, like it's just splot and you could still kind of make out what it looks like.

Granted, I know several sessions need to be had to make it fully go away. And a lot of it's just like scarring that can be like. Taking care of with time and you do have to treat it properly, but it's still just kind of like. That looks worse than the actual tattoo. 

Dan: Just leave it. Unless it's like a swastika.

Yeah. I mean, that's all the, also the reason maybe of like, I mean, I guess also the reason like why, why removal is like why places do removal or not removal, sorry, right. Places do removal. Coverups instead of removals or whatever. It's [00:34:00] just like, this is going to be easier for us to just go over it. If you want, if you already want it, if you just want no tattoos, okay.

But if like, you want this, you know, if you want a tattoo, like cool, like let's just go over that with something. 

Jon: Yeah. The, the emblem that I was talking about, you could not like, unless you wanted to just have like a black sleeve, right. You cannot go over that. It was very intricate. Tattoos, beer. It's fine.

It tastes like an IPA to me. 

Dan: Yeah, it's not bad. I think, I mean, whatever Rose hipsiness they're doing with it. I know they're trying to play into the mom aspect or whatever. Like they just come a little sweeter. Yeah. I mean, I think Rose is like, like bitterness kind of, which is what I like in an IPA. Like it's a little creamy, like wheat ish.

Like the hops isn't overly, I don't know. 

Jon: Yeah. I kind of get like a weird toss up between like, it's sweeter. Yeah. Cause I'm thinking more like you said, creamy, I was thinking sweet for like the wheat kind of like plays a bit of like a two [00:35:00] face situation, like, Whoa, that's sweet. And now it's like, it's sticking around a little bit with the bitterness.

I like it though. It's good. 

Dan: Definitely a modern rogue beer. We just, I'm not as familiar with rogue. Like they've, they've been around a really long time and they, Uh, dead guy is their biggest one. Like that's the one that kind of got famous for. And now it's, again, this is another one like arrogant bastard where it's like, this is an old, like dead guy was huge.

And then now it's just like kind of fell off just because they've been around for so long, like stone, like all these others. And, um, But, uh, Dead Guy, they do a hazelnut brown that they do is really a solid brown. Um, they used to be, like, super into doing these, like, crazy flavors and released all these insane bombers.

Then when bombers kind of went out, they just stopped doing anything where they, like, one of their biggest, most crazy flavors. Famous heinous possibly ones that they did a collab with Voodoo Donut in Oregon [00:36:00] and in Portland And it was like a I know there's Voodoo Donuts all over now But though it was like with the original since they were both in the same state.

Yeah, they did like a Imperial maple bacon donut beer or whatever and it was like a big thing in like whenever it came out mid Mid aughts or whatever. Like it's like crazy. They're doing this like stupid, like back then. That is a big deal. Oh yeah, for sure. At the time it was like, that's insane. And then, I mean, it was very much so derided cause it tastes terrible because it was just like weird, like they're just like, it's sweet smoke.

Like, no, like it was more like, this sounds, it was kind of just like on the cusp of pastry, but just bad, like, 

Jon: Oh, like maybe if they could have gone a little bit more into whatever. It was. It could have been decent right is what I'm hearing 

Dan: It was kind of before those things were before those things were good.

Like it was just like, oh, we're 

Jon: fine Maybe it sounds like 

Dan: yeah, it was like that long ago. Yeah, it was kind of a [00:37:00] stunt like at the time It was like a collab between the brewery and voodoo donuts and doing this weird. Yeah, it was a weird thing at the time 

Jon: I wonder what they would have done Then that's like oh you should have done like for example voodoo would have done like a I'm just making up a total scenario.

I don't know if this is true or not, but like they made an actual like maple bacon donut and they like, just threw it in the batch, like just straight up. 

Dan: Right. 

Jon: It's like, well, that just like melted or dissolved in the whatever. So it doesn't taste like anything where it's like, Oh, instead we should have done like actual bacon, but then like chopped it up, minced it up and then throw it in, right?

Like all individual components. I'm making up a scenario. I'm just saying like, what did they do then? That's like, you totally missed the mark on how to make it proper as to how we do it now. 

Dan: Probably similar, more similar to what you're saying than what we would do now. Like probably it [00:38:00] was like, we put donuts in the batch.

Just like people, people still do that nowadays. They're like, we put whole cake in the batch or whatever. I'm like, does it taste good? Yeah. Like, I don't care what you, like hamburgers you threw in the batch. Like, I just want to know what the final product is. Yeah. Is it good? Yeah. Did what you, cause it's like, cause that's part 

Jon: of the craft too.

Right. It's like, we can't do this because it's not practical, but we will do this to make it taste like that. Right. Like that's the craft of it. 

Dan: Yeah. I say, and food science is down to, you know, even I feel like a better, a better science now where you could just be, I mean, if you wanted to do that today, if you want hamminess in a beer, I'd be like, cool, I'm gonna use smoke, salt, and then some kind of like.

Mushroom maltodextrin kind of like powder that you know, some kind of umami Flavor or whatever that like cool. We already have things that do those flavors You don't need to like put bacon in it like we can like approximate that and like what are the 

Jon: flavors that make? 

Dan: Bacon. Right. [00:39:00] Exactly. Smoke. 

Jon: Throw a pig in there.


Dan: Whole pig. Just like, like dip him around. Let him 

Jon: swim. Give him a treat afterwards because he did a good job. Oh yeah, of course. Oh. 

Dan: Anyway. Delicious pig 

Jon: beer. Delicious pig beer. Make me a pig stew. Alright, next up. 

Dan: I'm excited for this one. 

Jon: Yeah. Um, what is it? I will tell you. It is triple tropical popsicle.

Uh, 6%, one pint, style, sour ale conditioned with mango, papaya, pineapple, and blood orange by Trippin Animals in collab with, I can't read cursive, the answer, there it is. Here we are. Yeah. Uh, you told me to check this one out and I said, bet. I'm like, we will. 

Dan: Yeah. I'm excited for it. Cause, I'm glad you 

Jon: didn't beat.

The episode by trying to, I did not, 

Dan: I didn't [00:40:00] because I knew you picked this one. So I was like, is 

Jon: that a stir? Should I roll that? 

Dan: Maybe we'll see. We'll see if it gets lighter. 

Jon: That is a habit. I will never create

Dan: churning it, churning it myself a little bit. See if I can get a little more something out of it. A 

Jon: little bacon. 

Dan: It's a little more, not a crazy amount of dark. Okay. So I probably won't miss out. Yeah. You're okay. Okay. Sorry, I was, what were the flavors in here? It's a 

Jon: sour ale with papaya, pineapple, uh, blood orange, and I skipped one.

Mango. Mango. 

Dan: Yes. 

Jon: I didn't read the can, I actually went off memory. Take that, Benadryl. 

Dan: Cannot touch of the mango. Yes

Jon: Yeah, I'm excited for this here we go jinx yummy orange soda, well you didn't pay for it though 

Dan: This one [00:41:00] is like the answer I think when I told you and I saw some background on 

Both: this 

Dan: Uh, they are from the East Coast. I think either Maryland or Virginia. Um, I don't know what to, I just know that they are one of the very earliest creators slash adopters of smoothie sours before it was like a thing they were doing it.

Like they had these, and they were legit about it too, because like, like to a, a fault in a good way where they would put them in crawlers and the crawler, Like labels looked like it was like look to make like a like dynamite like a stick of dynamite Just being like hey keep these cold or they will explode like Just just being like, I don't know if that was I mean, I think that was maybe the purpose behind it But it was like yeah, like don't mess, you know, don't Set these out, like, you know, keep them room temperature or whatever.

Like, and I remember these on like trade boards and stuff, like people, I'd see them occasionally pop up on people's Facebook feeds or whatever, because you had a friend in Virginia who [00:42:00] mailed it to you or whatever. Interesting. There's a really good color on this, like a really nice deep orange. 

Jon: Yeah. It's almost a little translucent too, in a way.

I don't know. Like it's not glowing, but 

Dan: like a good Fanta, 

Jon: but it's got like a color to it. That's like, Oh, this is really cool. Also, there's a little bit of. Sediment too. And I'm seeing, or maybe that's just my cinnamon toast crunch.

My bet would be on that. 

Dan: Yeah, this isn't bad. It's not wowing me like crazy. It's a little watery. Maybe 

Jon: feel like I've had this before. It's kind of how I'm feeling. 

Dan: It's definitely more, it's definitely not like a smoothie sour, definitely just a sour ale with fruit. Uh, yeah. Yep. And it's good, but I don't get a ton of the fruit.

Like again, like a little watery, like some of the sourness, I get the like acidity [00:43:00] on like the back of my palate or kind of like in the back of my throat. Like, it's just like, you get the actual sourness. You're like, Oh yeah, that is like, has some, has some sour going to it. But 

Jon: yeah, I feel like of the flavors that they're talking about, I kind of get more blood orange and papaya, mango and pineapple.

Pineapple is always weird. Like I kind of get fooled by mango flavors thinking it's pineapple in general, but pineapples, like it's more of like a sour flavor if anything, it's not really as creamy. Like, I don't know. Mango is kind of more of that. 

Dan: It is. It's got kind of like, I say this in the best way, flat tasting, kind of like a base flavor.

Yes. Base is a good, yeah, yeah, 

Jon: yeah. Like acidic versus basic. Yeah, totally. Um, neither of those kind of like exist from what I'm tasting. I get. Much more of the acidic. Blood orange, which is very acidic very sharp and papaya, which it's kind of more of [00:44:00] like an acidic I don't know you can correct me on this I'm trying to think off the top of my head here But kind of like more of like a acidic version of whatever mango is in a way 

Dan: Mm hmm.

Jon: I don't know that makes sense or not. 

Dan: Yeah, I know what you're saying is 

Jon: papaya is not a very common like I'm going to go to the grocery store and get that. Right. Uh, so I don't see it too often, but, which is a very silly thing of me to say, but here we are. It's fine. 

Dan: Yeah. 

Jon: It's a seven. 

Dan: This is like a five.

I was going to 

Jon: say it's a six for me. 

Dan: Um, yeah. It's, it's fine. Like, there's nothing wrong with it. Like, it's not bad in any way. If you like all those flavors, I still think. 

Jon: I just feel like I've had it before. In better. 

Dan: Yeah, yeah, for sure. Like there's, it's, it feels like it's for, for a sour, a four different fruits in, it feels like it's like playing it safe somehow.

Oh yeah. It's just like, yeah, you're not swinging for a [00:45:00] fence in one direction or another. Make it more sour because the sourness, I don't get, like I said, I get the sourness in my throat. I don't really get it on my palate. Like Yeah. You know, it's a little tart, like fruit tart, but it's not like a sour beer like that.

Like it's not like some acid bomb. Yeah. You're not 

Jon: like puckered up. Right. 

Dan: Exactly. Which I don't need that in every sour, but it's like, maybe I'd like this to go one direction. Yeah. 

Jon: Harry styles that, uh, we didn't talk about it. What about the rogue? I know we're kind of like beyond that, but 

Dan: yeah, that one, 

Jon: I felt like a six in my, I agree 

Dan: with that.

Yeah. That one was kind of in that range for me as well. It was just like nothing great. Like it was fine, but it wasn't hitting too intensely for me. 

Jon: Yeah, 

Dan: four beers in and the best one we've drank so far today is an ESB, which I love ESBs So don't get me wrong. 

Jon: We, I feel like once every 10 episodes, 20 episodes, we get one of these like Consistent like, 

Dan: yep, [00:46:00] it's fine.

And like you did, I mean, we'll see what comes up in the next two See if I'm gonna change my opinion from now But like you've chosen all like reputable solid brand beers like it's like cool like Yeah Perennial ESB really good pipe works fine rogue fine tripping animals and the answer 

Jon: hilariously I was more excited for The rogue one.

I didn't know but the other three I was like i'm excited for these The last two I thought i'm not looking forward to these So we will see. All 

Dan: right now i'm really excited. 

Jon: Yeah, but they're not like I'll just stop there and we can go to the next one. So next one is from never heard of it. Windmill, uh, mutton chops and rice pudding, American Porter with rice, vanilla, cinnamon, and almond.

Um, and of course we don't know what [00:47:00] ABV it is, but it is a pint can. Um, I'm not excited about this just because. It just sounded really weird to me, like combo wise, like Porter, which is cool because we always say we don't really run into those too often, but then Rice was weird. Vanilla, Cinnamon, Almond, like You would think is a good combo, but it's like, that's normally, I find it in a stout, right?

So like, I'm kind of, I'm interested, that's kind of where I'm kind of heading it as like, not excited, but it's kind of like a, I'd like to see, so I brought on the show. I want to try it. 

Dan: Yeah. Adjunctive Porter. Why not? 7. 8 percent ABV. Oh good. I 

Jon: guess. Right. Because the next one, I 

Dan: mean, on the upper end of Porter's, I 

Jon: mean, right off the kick, it smells like.

Boyne Valley Lodge, which is where me and my high school went to for a marching band [00:48:00] camp. It smells like musty wood panel siding. 

Dan: Like sweet wood. Yeah. 

Jon: Yeah. 

Dan: Yeah. I get that. 

Jon: Which I kind of like. 

Dan: Yeah. Without, without that sense memory. Uh, I kind of like the smell, but definitely interesting. Um, I kind of already get those, like, what did I say?

Almond, vanilla, cinnamon and rice. Yeah. Definitely get the notes. I definitely am smelling the rice. No, I'm not 

Jon: but really what does that mean to you? 

Dan: Nothing. Um, I think it was probably used for the body in one way or another 

Jon: Well, like when you say you get the rice, I was 

Dan: joking. Sorry. Oh, really? Okay.

Sorry I think you weren't looking at me. And so I was making a I was making a face that was not like I was texting my sister while we're recording here. [00:49:00] I, yeah, rice is just something that I don't know. It's, I mean, I know it's used in the way like oats or whatever. I would assume is some kind of adjunct that does something to the beer.

I don't know if rice thins it out or what, but 

Jon: yeah, normally when we talk about rice on the show, it's more in the context of like, Rice beer like dad beer like it was made great. Yeah, the great. Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Yeah yeah, not rice beer like I'm drinking riced beer, but Rice based beer. Yes. Yes. All right.

Here we go. First up. I do like the smell a lot though. Mm hmm smells great 

Dan: Yeah, like I said cinnamon vanilla Almond, yeah Mm hmm. I'm I'm into it. I 

Jon: Bet I'll be convinced by the end of my glass Like, it tastes good, but I don't know what I was expecting. 

Dan: Mm-Hmm. . It's got a good little, [00:50:00] it's got a good, sorry.

I've been doing that all day. It has a good level of bitterness, uh, tip of the tongue, teeth and lips. Yes. Um, I like, I like the bitterness on it for sure. The cinnamon's nice. It's subtle. It kind of me 

Jon: it's very soft of a like soft. It's got a soft body. 

Dan: It's got a soft body for sure You know what? I mean 

Jon: though, like it's very like simple.

It's not like clean, but it's not thick. It's just like Simple. I don't know what the word other word I would use for it

Dan: It's the way I like my women thick and simple It's and soft. It's all thick and simple

I'm not going forward with that. This is yeah, muttonchops muttonchops It [00:51:00] I'm just trying to think of how I would like it more or what I want to be done Like I like the body. Maybe I could have a little more body, but I don't know if that's the rice like 

Jon: I think I don't I like the body of it

Cinnamon is at a really good level. I think vanilla Uh I think I could use either. I don't know which one, cause I'm trying to think of like the difference in flavor profile, but I kind of like either vanilla or almond more, like just a little. Bit not enough to like lose the whole like this is a porter because that has like a distinct flavor of its own but it just feels very Almost like as a byproduct like it tastes too dry.

Mm hmm. I guess I'm thinking about it out loud But does that make sense? Like I feel like of all the flavors that they're like showing off in this [00:52:00] can I'm like almonds kind of tough to find So is vanilla. Mm hmm. So it's just like Cinnamon and Porter and it's Easier to drink, 

Dan: right? And 

Jon: I don't know. 

Dan: I've got a flavor in my head that But I can't, I don't a hundred percent know if I like know what this flavor is, but I think I know what it is, but you would know it a little better, uh, weaning in the coffee world.

And that is chicory, uh, the flavor of chicory. And I'm wondering if like the flavor that I'm getting from the, the malt slash the Portery, Dark malts. That's kind of a little like leathery, woody, smoky mixed with the cinnamon is like giving chicory. 

Jon: You, when you said chicory, my brain clicked. That is what I taste.

Okay. Yes. I wasn't totally off the bat. It's 

Dan: something I need to go buy. This tastes 

Jon: like chicory decaf coffee from New Orleans. 

Dan: I need to go buy some chicory coffee just to be like, this is what this tastes like. Cause this is, I've had it in other things. So I like kind of have an idea of what it tastes like, but I need to just like, I don't Have an actual thing.

Jon: It's a sweet [00:53:00] bark. That's what I'm like. It's 

Dan: like, it's kind of a nutty, smoky, cinnamony, right? Like, yeah. Yeah. Okay. 

Jon: Yeah. Actually, actually, when you said that, I was like, that's what this is. Like if they said, like, if they branded this, like making fun of, um, that coffee shop in new Orleans where you can get like those donuts and chicory coffee, they branded it like, uh, like that I would have been like 

Dan: chicory cafe, two locations in South Bend and Mishawaka.

Jon: Definitely not trickery cafe. Good grief. Um, I'm gonna look it up real quick. New Orleans Sellin 

Dan: some beignets. 

Jon: Yeah, that whatever place that is. Sellin some gator. Down by the bayou. How do 

Both: you spell beignet? There it is. B I G N E Y S. I got it. I got it. Not 

Jon: cafe beignet. That's silly. Café Du Monde, is that how you pronounce it?


Dan: Du Monde. 

Jon: Café Du Monde. Du Monde. So [00:54:00] yeah, uh, no one can see this on the show, but like, if they could brand it like that. 

Dan: Yeah. Like can. Yes. I would have been like. Oh, that'd be killer. Perfect. Yeah. Because I've definitely seen that labeling before. 

Jon: Yeah. Coffee and Chicory. 

Dan: If anybody hasn't seen, yeah, look up Café Du Monde, uh, Coffee and Chicory and look up because you will a thousand percent have seen.

It's like you don't know what it is like it's very recognizable brand that you yeah Like if 

Jon: you look up anything on TripAdvisor for New Orleans, like you will see this, right?

Windmill should do that. They should brand this just like that 

Dan: It's not like they've never done any kind of like parody branding before they're kind 

Jon: of already on that track too with whatever vibe This is cuz this has like that era Right. Like the font kind of looks like it a little bit too. Right. So very, uh, I still want a little vanilla or almond in this though.

A little more, 

Dan: maybe, maybe if instead of almond, they use like marzipan or something like that, like, like a little sweeter [00:55:00] almond 

Jon: or like, well, yeah, cause then you could also like brand it as like, you're getting the beignet 

Dan: or if you did like roasted those like roasted crunchy almonds or whatever, they have like the cinnamon sugar on them.


Jon: Six pints. Clap. Let's do it. 

Dan: It's going to be called. What is that? Six pin. Yeah. He's none the fitter. Like, like the, uh, what are those? Like those hot nuts that you get at the mall, it's going to be called like, Oh yeah. Um, so look out for coming up, uh, soon windmill, uh, six pints, collab mall, not surprise.

So you can enjoy your day and drink them all. And that 

Jon: that's actually good. That's actually really good 

Dan: to a mall. Not, yeah, those are good. It always, uh, you know, it's got a good smell to it. It's one of those things where you're just like, 

Jon: yeah, your hands get really gross and sticky to 

Dan: you're at the mall and you're like 

Jon: getting it all over Spencer gifts.

Dan: Oh yeah. Touching all like the mugs that look like butts and yeah, it's a good time. 

Jon: Or getting all your sticky [00:56:00] fingers on like Vans shoes at journeys. Zoomies. Yeah. Yeah. We had journeys 

Dan: journeys journeys was my time as well. I think zoomies is like the new chad muska shoe Location for children. It's like the cross between paxton and journeys is like zoomies.

It's got a little more skater vibe to it. I believe 

Jon: Yeah Those were the days Hanging out at fye music 

Dan: Spend 30 on a CD that should cost 10. Yeah. 

Jon: Yeah. Over overpriced posters. Oh, yeah, I 

Dan: Hey, fingers crossed. Never set a, like, it's one of those, I'm like, I have no desire to ever set foot in a mall ever again in my life.

And I'm, I'm doing well so far. 

Jon: I only do for Apple store stuff. 

Dan: I totally got that cut off now. Like if I had to go in the Apple, if I could have to go to genius bar, that'd be the only reason I would go there. That's 

Jon: the only reason why I mostly go there. 

Dan: But I've circumvented all of that now by just getting the Best Buy [00:57:00] total membership, which is like 180 a year.

And then, and now I just buy all my Apple products from Best Buy and Apple care is included with that. So I pay like an annual fee to have Apple care on all my products and I don't have to like, so, and now I just buy all my Apple stuff from them because I also get like a significant discount on each thing.

So if you ever want to buy something unlocked, let me know. I might, 

Jon: cause my phones are always unlocked when I buy them. Yeah, 

Dan: if you want, like, we can see what the price difference is or whatever, but I bet it'd be like, maybe not brand, brand new, but I think I might be able to get like a hundred dollars off.

Like, I think my 

Jon: computer But I get mine like on an opening day. Right, exactly. So like, that's the only other reason why I go there is to pick up the new phone on the day. You don't have them 

Dan: ship it to your house? 

Jon: Uh, I Couldn't for this one. They might fix it if lobbying stops being stupid about it. But like, uh, this was, Oh no, different, different story.

Uh, but [00:58:00] this one was, I had to return a different one and instead of returning it, I had to return a different one to get this, but instead of returning it, I just decided to go to the store and exchange it like immediately. For sure. 

Dan: Definitely. 

Jon: That was the only reason why. And it was on opening day. Cause I'm like, I know if I go in and just say like, Hey, I have to pick up one from here, but I want to get this one instead.

Is there one available? Luckily they said, yeah. And so I just got that one and said, yeah, paid like. 50 bucks more or something like that. So 

Dan: yeah, there's, and there's definitely advantages to going to the store. Other, I mean, just buy it online. I mean, there's, there's that part in me when I think about it, but like usually I do that.

Oh yeah. I'm saying, I'm saying that to myself, like, I don't need to go to the store. Just get online. You can wait two days or whatever. But like with, like with Caitlyn, we just got her new watch a few months ago or whatever, and it sucked because at Best Buy I couldn't, 'cause they had like all the different watch bands out and everything and I was like, oh, I want this watch with this band.

And they're like, [00:59:00] no. Like you can only get like, this watch comes with XB band. 

Jon: Like 

Dan: if you wanna buy another band, you could buy another bands. That's the whole 

Jon: point that they have. I didn't know at 

Dan: the store I could like, 'cause that's what I think I did when I. First bought my Apple watch at the store on the Apple watch series three that I'm still wearing that.

I'm just like, I bought them at the store and I was like, Oh, you can't 

Jon: do that online, but you can do that at the store is what you're saying. Well, at 

Dan: Best Buy, you can't do it in store. I, cause I went to the store. I wasn't able to be like, I want this band. They're like, it comes in a box with the band that it comes with.

I'm like, okay, 

Jon: gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yes. That makes way more sense to me. 

Dan: Yeah. 

Jon: Cause I was like that, I was confused when you were describing it and saying like, no, we were at the store and it's like, well, that's the whole reason why Apple stores have it all displayed. Right. Is so you can. 

Dan: Yeah. Mix and match to your heart.

Your yes. 

Jon: Yes. Yes, that makes more sense. This does 

Dan: remind me. I've, I've been meaning to get a new band soon, but I too, I am, I really like those new, uh, ones that look like they have sprinkles on them that they came [01:00:00] out with last year. Yeah. I was going 

Jon: to say they came out with a new one that looks really cool.

Dan: I'm gonna. Hopefully soon. 

Jon: Yeah, 

Dan: this one's good. It's like the one, it's like the solo loop I think it's called. Yeah. Um, it's good, but it's like a little stretchy on my hand. Mm-Hmm. and it, I just like swapping 'em out every once in a while. Yeah. And then I go get my official Apple bands from Poshmark, so they're like half the price.

I'm not paying like, like this one I think I paid 30 for, and it's like a hundred dollars band. 

Jon: This one, the one that I'm wearing is just a, like a spoof, like a 

Dan: Oh yeah. It looks, I mean, it looks like one of the legit ultra bands. 

Jon: It's, yeah. Yeah, it is. But I got like a six pack of. Random offshoot ones for like 20 bucks.

Dan: Yeah, I like doing that. That's always my worry though If it's like is it because 

Jon: I've the only problem is is that it doesn't fit fully so you can like hear the click Oh, yeah. Yeah, but i'm like, I don't i'm not as long as it stays on your wrist. I'm not doing that I'm, not I just notice when I like shake my wrist.

It'll click every now and again. I'm 

Dan: not like partying at the Yeah, all the time, you know me big party guy. Yeah. And if I am at a party, I'm not [01:01:00] hearing the clicking of my watch while I'm pumping my fist. Yeah, 

Jon: especially at a silent rave. 

Dan: Right? Yeah, exactly. 

Jon: All right. So last one. I was waiting for the last one.


Dan: Uh, I just wanted to say that cause I was, it was going through my head. That one is where I'm going to waffle on. It's going to be a seven for me. 

Jon: I was going to say that actually, because 

Dan: like I do like it a lot, but I do think there are ways it could be improved and where, but I don't want to give it a six cause it's not that I think it's better than a six, but also it's not like it doesn't hit enough marks for me to be an eight.

Yeah. I totally agree 

Jon: with you. 

Dan: That's, that's my going back on my rule. Authentically seven. I feel like that is. It is authentically seven. Yes. Yes. All right. 

Jon: So last one. Taxman Brewing. 12 ounce can, 8 percent IBUs 32. It is called bean counter, Belgian style, brown ale brewed with coffee and spices. 

Dan: Ooh, talk about hot 

Jon: brown.

Yeah. Cold brown. A lot of bean [01:02:00] juice. Uh, so. I got this for very specific reason, and I will just read the can if I can, cause there's a lot of reflection on it, so, you know, I'm having a hard time seeing it. Um, I did get this for a specific reason though, and I will say why by just reading the description.

Count on bean counter, our Belgian style brown ale brewed with Nicaraguan coffee roasted with. Roasted by Tinker Coffee Co. A rich base of caramel and roasted malts is enhanced by a generous dose of coffee, cacao nibs, and Mexican vanilla beans, making this complex dark ale perfect for cool nights around a warm fire.

So, I picked it because they actually said who, who roasted it and what the freaking coffee is. That's wonderful. So here we are. They're being good about it. Yeah. They are being very good people about it. Everyone watch [01:03:00] taxman do as taxman does. 

Dan: Go, go there when you're, when you're in, when you're, when you're randomly 30 minutes South of Indy, go to tax man.

Jon: Tinker's a really good coffee too. 

Dan: I've heard, I feel like I've heard, is it in Chicago? 

Jon: Uh, 

Dan: I've heard of it around our area, just like seen it in other beers, maybe, but I think it's 

Jon: no, I thought it was Indianapolis. Well, the branding looks like it's from Chicago. I would guess it's Chicago. I 

Dan: mean, it would make sense if they did it with Indy.

I mean, if it was Indy, cause that's yeah. Indianapolis coffee. Okay. Yeah. I was going to say, I'm like, I'm pretty sure it's Indianapolis. Why wouldn't they work with another Indy company? Yeah, nice. 

Jon: But yes, do as Taxman does. Tell us what your coffee is and who roasted it. 

Dan: They're also one of these coffee companies.

You'll make 

Jon: a jern really upset if I find out that you say coffee and I hear or find out it's Maxwell House. That would be funny. Don't make a jern mad. Because I'll do [01:04:00] nothing about it in the end. That smells really good, by the way. 

Dan: Ooh, they have multiple Multiple cafes in Indianapolis. They have a cafe at the Indianapolis international airport.

Sorry. That's all. 

Jon: No, you're good. It smells really good. I'll wait until you're done sipping. 

Dan: It smells great. Yeah. No, I'm just, I'm just happy to know about this coffee company. Cause I feel like sometimes my mom will be like, What coffee do you like or what coffee should I buy or whatever? I'm just like anything local in Indianapolis.

I'm like, I don't care who just, you know, that's going to be better than whatever. So take your, take your pick. But now I can say, Hey, I know tinker's good, but 

Jon: yeah, I'd recommend it 

Dan: or don't drive downtown or whatever. Yeah. It smells great. Like this is, this is the smell that I want when I have a coffee beer, because it smells like coffee, like a little, I mean, whatever kind of, what, what varietal did you say it was?

Jon: Uh, it is Nicaraguan coffee. 

Dan: Okay. This kind of has that little like [01:05:00] green pepperiness to it, maybe a little 

Jon: bit. Yeah. Just 

Dan: a hint. Like, 

Jon: yeah. 

Dan: I like 

Jon: Nicaraguan is very interesting too. Those beans are a little tougher to roast. Um, but if you can get it right, it's very nice balance with like a little bit of like, uh, I usually feel like cracked pepper, but yeah.

I mean, it could also like, I don't know the farm, I don't know the region, I don't know. So like, it could be peppery based on like, the soil of that area. 

Both: Right. 

Jon: Specifically. So, cause coffee is a lot like wine in that sense. The soil completely, and environment, elevation, completely. 

Dan: Oh yeah, for sure. Get into.

The facts. Yeah. What the coffee's like. Get into some beans. Bean stress. Bean science. Stresses of the beans. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I like it. It's sweet. It's definitely on the sweeter side for sure, which is not outside the realm of tax man. A lot of the stuff they do is sweet, but that's just because the Belgian style beers that they do are sweeter beers.

I like it. It's like a, [01:06:00] the best Frappuccino. I mean, the, uh, and my Frappuccino, I mean like the glass bottle you get at a gas station. Oh, but it's, I mean, it's a lot more coffee for the, I'm, I'm being facetious. It's like, it has good sweetness though. 

Jon: Yeah, I would say I get, I'm very used to taxmen being very like thicker, like saucier.

Um, so when I drink this, I'm like, Whoa, that's very thin. But so that makes me think like, you know, this is a little watery or whatever, but it's not like the flavor is, it's just like a thinner body beer. Um, but the flavor is great. I like that. You said has like a pepper to it. Um, Totally agree. I don't know, like you can distinguish like the flavors pretty well.

Dan: Definitely doesn't taste like 8 percent ABV. I mean, that's, that's a hallmark classic of tax man as well. Just like very, very well made, very, uh, well attenuated beers. You can get 

Jon: their [01:07:00] quad and not feel like you're drinking that heavy and then stand up, whoa, stand up and go back. 

Dan: Yeah, that was good. I am going to bed now.

Perfect. Thank you. I had four of them. I drink that full four pack. That was 9. And now I am a. 

Jon: Feeling it. Yeah. Yep. For 9. 

Dan: That that's where the, that's where the value lies, I would say. Sorry alcoholics drinking quart of freeze vodka every day that costs five dollars and fifty cents. Just get some tax man It will taste way better.

Jon: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a fan of this. Um, I don't have much else really to say about it I'm just happy that they shared like The coffee, the roaster, like it's clear that they have a really good relationship or they actually care at the very least about like who they're working with and what they're providing the drinkers.

I don't know. [01:08:00] It's good. It was very good. I would say eight. 

Dan: Yeah. I was going to go, I was, I was, I was trying to go between eight and nine. I think I'm just going to go eight and a half. Why not split the difference? Split the difference. I think it is very good. I don't know why it's not a nine, but I just, in my heart, it's not a nine.


Jon: I think for me, I just always want like a little, um, not like a thicker body to it, like, you know, I don't want it to be like a big sauce, saucy beer, like, you know, thick pores and stuff. But I kind of like the idea of having like a little bit more cream. To it, whatever that means. I don't know what that means.

Yeah. Oh, I totally agree. Logistically. 

Dan: Like maybe some oats or something, like just kind of get a little more body. 

Jon: Yes. 

Dan: But also like, I agree with that on like what my personal taste would be, but also I understand they don't need that making their style. Like it's still really good. 

Jon: That's not their vibe either.

Like they're very simple ingredients. So like for me to suggest, Hey, [01:09:00] you need to do X, Y, and Z. It's like, well, does that go with their mission as like a brewer? I don't work there, so I don't know, but I would assume not. So they're doing their job totally fine. 

Dan: Yeah. Oh, exceptionally. And it's also just, it's also not crazy expensive.

They like, we talk about it, it just, they let the style speak. They make it well. It doesn't cost a lot to make good beer. You can just, you know, you're using grains, living proof 

Jon: about that. Yeah. You, 

Dan: if you are good at crafting, like the way you blend your yeast and the malts that you use and you're not using a ton, you know, they're not making tons of IPAs, not using tons of hops.

Like this one is probably slightly more expensive because there's coffee in it, you know, and that's, but it's not like. 

Both: No, I 

Dan: think it's like maybe 15 a four pack and that's not a lot it's just because their other stuff is like 10 like Like there are stuff is significantly like cheaper. Yeah, it's just too inexpensive sometimes 

Jon: Yeah, 

Dan: if you had a big red and [01:10:00] Indy on the right weekend some weekends They have tax man weekends and it's like 5.

99 a four pack of their base stuff of like gold standard La Maison Exemption, deduction, like their main five core. It's like, 

Jon: it's like barely cool. I will stock up that weekend, right? 

Dan: Like I will stock hell up that weekend. Wonderful. Well, we have something when we come back, maybe we'll see. And we'll be right back with more six months down the range.

Jon: And we're back. Nobody let them show up here today. We had two tops. It's two top of the mornings, honey. We had a pretty like caffeine driven show. I'm noticing, but I don't think it'll matter. Uh, but we do have a question like shooting through the roof right now. Yeah. I am stressed out of my wits right now.

Uh, we'd have a question for [01:11:00] the shh. For the show. Is that a complete sentence? We have a question. I'm going to read it on the show for the show on the show for you to hear with your ear holes and then some. So question is from a listener, by the way, if you have a question for us, I usually post questions pre recording.

Usually, like I'll say about to hit record. Do you have any questions for us? If you miss it. 

Dan: You can ask us any time, literally on an Instagram. Oh, I was going to say I missed the 

Jon: boat. That's the only time the boat's leaving. Oh, okay. You're right. The dock. 

Dan: Okay. Shut it down. 

Jon: Shut it the Titanic. Hop aboard.

You had your chance and you blew it. 

Dan: Out of sight, out of mind. Shut your mouth. I just can't take it. 

Jon: I was thinking of a quote from Out of sight, out of mind. Sorry, I just couldn't think of a song. What's that YouTube series where like they overdub like a really cheesy, like, Christian Movie about like Easter or whatever.

It's like, you had your chance and you blew it. Now you're never getting into heaven or something like that. Like, it's really funny. 

Dan: Um, sounds like something that would happen on. [01:12:00] GAC, what's the new, there's like a new, like CMT is now like a CMT or maybe not CMT, but there is like a country music Christian channel.

Now it's called like great America, something, something 

Jon: I'm sold. I need to get my Republican family members around and watch it. It's like 

Dan: CMT plus pads. 

Jon: Guys, forget post evangelical. This is where America needs to go next with Christianity. 

Dan: Seventh heaven. I don't think so. That's too secular. 

Jon: Why stop there?

Why not eight? What about cloud nine? 

Dan: Well, like seventh hell. Fire and brimstone. Their daughter was too Brown to be their daughter. 

Jon: All right. So question. I was joking. You can literally message us whenever you want. Uh, we have an Instagram, we have an email, Dan can tell you all about it later as we're rolling out.

And I'm probably laughing at that point. Question being, and I feel like we've already talked about this on the show before, but I'll ask it anyways. And maybe we can kind of riff off of [01:13:00] it a little bit. 

Dan: Hey, 86 episodes in. We can talk about stuff a couple of times. 

Jon: Yeah. Uh, if you haven't heard it before, welcome.

Uh, this will be your first time hearing us talk about it. Does the type of glass I use to drink different beer really affect the taste? So for example, you might, uh, Oh, a good example. No one knows because we are not a video based podcast. Parentheses. Yeah. Uh, Dan is drinking kind of like a pseudo snifter thing.

Uh, it is a snifter basically. It's just a big one. Yeah. 

Dan: It's like a stemless wine glass kind of thing. Yeah. But 

Jon: it kind of has like the shape of like a snifter almost. Um, that's really good for like, really like, uh, it's really good. It's mo it's made for revolution beers, deep wood series. So like straight jacket, very like aromatic based.

Yeah. Beers, it's very about like the senses as you're enjoying your beer I'm [01:14:00] using a tulip glass that has a stem on it. Same idea. Mm hmm That's an example. So that's where class where thoughts 

Dan: so here opinions my the thieves the Thesis of what I'm going to say is that no glassware does not affect the taste of the beer that you're drinking 

Both: correct Yes, 

Dan: glassware does affect the 

Both: aroma of what you're drinking

Jon: That's a good way of putting it. Like the taste 

Dan: is going to be the same, but as a person of knowledge, you do know that aroma scent smell is a big part of your olfactory, uh, sensory system. Yeah. Uh, so the old factory, the old factory, the old bag factory out in Goshen, Indiana, where they make bags, I guess, or used to or something, it's a place.

Uh, Yeah, it, I mean, aroma is a big part of it. Like, what did they [01:15:00] say? I know there's some percentage that I can't think of and I don't care to think of right now, but they say it's, you know, smell is X proportion of taste. So yeah, 

Jon: it's like 

Dan: a hundred percent smells. A hundred percent of taste. Yeah. 

Jon: You, uh, miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take or something like that.

Yeah. 60 percent of the time. It doesn't, it works all the time. Yeah. Uh, I think it's 80 or I think it's 80%. Well, it's tricky because like. Your taste, I don't know, this might be a little pushback or maybe you can kind of course correct me on this. Uh, I wasn't going to push back, but you addressed it right away.

So, cause I was going to say, it doesn't smell like a vector taste. And I'm kind of going back on what I didn't even ask yet by saying your taste, you can only taste like, what is it? Six flavors. 

Dan: Salty, sweet, 

Jon: umami, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. So like, those are what you can taste. Uh, but. When you get into the whole, like, you know, I said earlier about, uh, [01:16:00] not New Orleans, chicory, coffee, beer, mutton chops.

Uh, I said, this smelled like Boyne Valley Lodge from when I was in band camp or whatever. You can't taste that and I didn't taste it. I smelled it and that's like kind of when the experience kicked in. Oh yeah. Uh, but to still your point. And I still agree with you is that like, that doesn't mean that the glassware is going to change that.

I'll probably get more of that smell as I drink it, but that won't change. Like the glass does not inherently. Alter the flavor profile of the beer. Right. Because it's just glass. 

Dan: Yeah, exactly. Like, yes, exactly. I mean, so, that all comes, if you want to talk glassware, uh, Anything that is, you know, has some kind of like flair to it.

Something that, uh, has a little bit of like an angle going towards the top. So it's going to [01:17:00] concentrate the, the smells for you. So you will have more concentrated aroma and be able to, uh, accept that aroma a little better. And, uh, also, I mean, I do accept the aroma. Passion. Uh, there, there's also, I mean, if you look at your like glassware also, I mean, made well, this one is made well, yours too.

I can see it. You can see there's like a, a tight, like bead around the top. Uh, that is like an extremely like tight little lip, but it does actually, uh, allow when you are drinking it, it does make the. Liquid will cascade across that. And it kind of like creates, you know, think of like a swell of a wave where wave crashes.

So it kind of like, yeah, you do have most of it just going into your mouth, but sometimes it'll flip and that creates a little more foam and the foam creates more, 

Jon: that's actually really cool. The foam kind of creates more 

Dan: like sense for you. So then even when you're drinking it and you're breathing, that will push that up and again, more aroma, pushing it, pushing the [01:18:00] foam up into like your nose and stuff.

So like, I mean, through your mouth going. through the back of your mouth, up into your sinuses or whatever. 

Jon: So I do have a glass from a brewery that I highly respect. And I know you do too. They're glass where it's not made well, because they don't have that. 

Dan: There's definitely something like that. I mean, it wasn't 

Jon: made for beer though.

It's just like a fun little, like, here's a piece of like, it's not a beer glass, right? It's more like a mint and julep glass, right? 

Dan: Okay. 

Jon: Like a high ball. 

Dan: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, All, all time and place and like things like that too are, you know, like the very like tall straight side glassware or whatever.

Those are like specific for certain kinds of pilsners or whatever too. So it's, so I think it can make a difference. I know, I think last time we talked about this, I'm just like, I drink beer in whatever it's served in. But that being said, I think if certain places are serving beer in the correct, you know, [01:19:00] Way, I think it makes a big difference for you I think that places that serve beer and shaker pints are which is just your normal traditional pint glass that costs like like when you say Pine 

Jon: glass I think this Like it's just yeah straight up.

It's a like shape 

Dan: right? Yeah, just like slightly flared Towards the outside just a big open mouth at the top like it's just your cheap They're called shaker pints because it's you know A bartender can use it as the other side of a shaker to slam into a metal, you know The metal mixing thing that they've made their cocktail and they can shake it together and pour it in there Whatever like it's it's a means to an end.

It's not a perfect thing It's I bet I think bars that really do care about their beer and the way it's served don't serve in those anymore Just because like whatever like I'm not shaming anyone who does usually 

Jon: I see those frozen. I like yeah cash bars, right? 

Dan: There's another problem to frozen beer glasses.

Don't do that. Yeah, but Learned [01:20:00] it's it's fine. We're all on a journey Everyone's on a journey and I'm just 

Jon: very far behind if you like 

Dan: the coldest beer you could possibly have because you don't want to Taste it drink it out of a frozen mug, whatever you want, but that being said just It does. So yeah, I guess long story short, yes.

Glassware can no glassware. It doesn't affect the taste, but I'm just being a pedantic idiot. It does affect the taste because it affects your smell. 

Jon: I would say it doesn't affect the taste, but it affects like the experience, 

Dan: the overall experience of drinking, which includes tasting and smelling. Yeah. Uh, so yeah.

It's it affects, but in a good way, if you do it correctly, it can enhance the things you're smelling just the way that, uh, knowledge can enhance the enjoyment of things. You're knowing about it, learning about it. You'd be able to pick out different things within it and enjoy it more or hate it more, whichever you prefer.

Yeah. Uh, it can do both. But yeah, 

Jon: this knowledge, this [01:21:00] power does nothing 

Dan: without application. 

Both: Yeah. Applied knowledge. There you go. That application, applied knowledge, applied power. Yes. Yeah. Cool. 

Dan: Question asker. 

Both: Great question. Great questions. 

Dan: Well, thank you so much for listening to the show this week. You can follow the show on Instagram, six pints on the richer.

You can also email us at six points on the richer at gmail. com. Either way, you can get us your questions there. If you miss it during the story, during the show, when we're recording at least, and we'll answer your questions. Here on the show again, I'm going to say show again. Also, uh, go to, you can do it on Spotify.

You can do it on Apple podcasts. You can do it on whatever your pod, uh, what can you do? You can review. 

Jon: By the way, for those who are doing that, yes, we are noticing. 

Dan: Yes. Get on there. They appreciate you. We really appreciate it for every review. If you leave 

Jon: a review. We can read it. That'd be fun. Maybe we can do that in [01:22:00] the future.

Yeah. Yeah. Uh, like untapped. We'll read the review of your review of us. I can't get my shirt on my button up shirt. I have a 

Dan: topless this entire episode. 

Jon: I knew immediately when I said that I knew immediately what I was saying. Uh, yeah, that'd be fun. We'll do it. They'll all be saying Dan. Stop talking. 

Dan: Dan, shut up.

John can talk more. John five stars. Start 

Jon: talking. John, you say more. Dan, you say less five 

Dan: stars all around 

Jon: five stars, though. Good people. Yeah. Good opinions. I like saying he should be on the show more. I agree. Break it 

Dan: up a 

Jon: little 

Dan: bit. 

Jon: That probably is how the reviews will go. We'll all be like, yeah, you're right.

Dan: More guests, less hosts and my less host. I mean, hosts stop hosting the show and just only guess 

Jon: saying in Donald's to just. That would be a show. That would be a show. 

Dan: That would be a show. That would be a show. 

Jon: I think Donald will be [01:23:00] down for that. 

Dan: Just a, uh, freaky Friday. Yeah. Did they have to start a pod?

Oh, that'd be a good 

Jon: April fool's episode. We should have done that. All right. You guys know what we're doing next. All right. 

Dan: Go back three months. We're going reverse in time and we're going to figure this out. 

Jon: Yep. All right. Cool. Anyways, sorry. You were in the middle of. 

Dan: Uh, yeah, just saying, leave us a five star review wherever you leave reviews.

And, uh, we are recording way for recording studios. We are produced by way for a recording company, a creative consultancy by Kerr design studio, hit any of those, uh, groups up for any of your needs in those ways. And we'll see you next week. 

Jon: Bye.

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